Friday, March 12, 2010


Sorry it has been so long since we have blogged!! We were really busy and just could not find the time to blog! However, now I have time & I'm gonna tell you everything that has happened for about the past month.

I have been going to school and working. That is what my life consists of now. Its not too interesting, but I'm making money and starting to save up for car insurance, apartment, and tuition for when I transfer to App :) I'm really excited!

Ashley and I went to see Remember Me today!! It open tody in theaters, and it was intense! SPOILER!! The ending comes as a huge shock. Trust me, you will want tissues & waterproof mascara. I did not realize it was a sad movie and failed to bring any kind of tissue and I wore water-soluble mascara...bad idea. You will have black tears streaming down your face if you make the same mistake I did. Robert Pattinson did an AMAZING job in this movie! Also, Pierce Brosnan was great!

If you are a twilight fan, you need to check out the Eclipse trailer. It was released yesterday and it is in the previews for Remember Me.

ok, that is all for now! I will try to blog more often!

peace bitches :D

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