Saturday, February 6, 2010

Our future

So Carol and I have been thinking a lot about our futures lately and we just wanted to keep you guys in the loop! We want to move to Seattle together! But because of my scholarship and Carol's post bachelor degree plans, the earliest this could happen would be about 4-5 years after my graduation (2013). But our plans are to move to Seattle, get an apartment together, and live and work there! What could be better than two bff's having fun in a new city? Not only that but we plan on getting a small dog or the both of us. I am wanting a female Shiba Inu (the 2nd picture) and I'm going to name it Dakota Bailey. :) And Carol is getting a Norwich terrier (so cute! the 1st picture) and naming her Emma Grace! We're obviously SO excited. We just have to remember that we still have a long time before this happens. Haha!

peace out!

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