Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New Stuff

Sorry we haven't posted in a while guys!!
We have started a new school year (woohoo college), I am still working as a lifeguard, & ashley is in the mountains without me :-(
Ashley is also now posting for team-twilight (as a Kellan Lutz and Ashley Greene poster) go show her some love!!!
I am trying to find a new team to post with!!

love ya'll!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Random sayings :-)

Nothing good in this life comes without some risk of pain. Don't miss out on the good things in this life because of fear. Grab life with both hands, baby. Sometimes it will hurt, but the greatness will overshadow that if you let it.

"Our lives improve only when we take chances - and the first and most difficult risk we can take
is to be honest with ourselves."
--Walter Anderson

Most people waste all of their time worrying about what's gonna happen to them in the next life that they forget to live this one

Ladies know what to guard against, because they read novels that tell them of these tricks…

If the sun doesn’t touch it, nobody else’s son should touch it either.


Sorry it has been so long since we have blogged!! We were really busy and just could not find the time to blog! However, now I have time & I'm gonna tell you everything that has happened for about the past month.

I have been going to school and working. That is what my life consists of now. Its not too interesting, but I'm making money and starting to save up for car insurance, apartment, and tuition for when I transfer to App :) I'm really excited!

Ashley and I went to see Remember Me today!! It open tody in theaters, and it was intense! SPOILER!! The ending comes as a huge shock. Trust me, you will want tissues & waterproof mascara. I did not realize it was a sad movie and failed to bring any kind of tissue and I wore water-soluble mascara...bad idea. You will have black tears streaming down your face if you make the same mistake I did. Robert Pattinson did an AMAZING job in this movie! Also, Pierce Brosnan was great!

If you are a twilight fan, you need to check out the Eclipse trailer. It was released yesterday and it is in the previews for Remember Me.

ok, that is all for now! I will try to blog more often!

peace bitches :D

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Our future

So Carol and I have been thinking a lot about our futures lately and we just wanted to keep you guys in the loop! We want to move to Seattle together! But because of my scholarship and Carol's post bachelor degree plans, the earliest this could happen would be about 4-5 years after my graduation (2013). But our plans are to move to Seattle, get an apartment together, and live and work there! What could be better than two bff's having fun in a new city? Not only that but we plan on getting a small dog or the both of us. I am wanting a female Shiba Inu (the 2nd picture) and I'm going to name it Dakota Bailey. :) And Carol is getting a Norwich terrier (so cute! the 1st picture) and naming her Emma Grace! We're obviously SO excited. We just have to remember that we still have a long time before this happens. Haha!

peace out!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


So definitely some of my favorite songs right now are "Cut" by plumb and "naturally" by selena gomez. haha just thought i'd throw that out there. Logically, I know I shouldnt be getting this excited over my future move to Seattle. I mean it's at LEAST 8-9 years from now, and it could even be more depending on how much money i have saved up at that point. I may even be married by then (ahhhh?!), who knows? It's just something that i would really like to happen with my bff, although i think my parents may be objective to it. I wouldnt want to do this, but I could always pull the age card. By this time i will be somewhere between 26-28 years old by then. (is that not weird to think of yourself that much older??!) I am close to my family, but at the same time, I want to make my own path, and although I love living in North Carolina, there has always been this small part of me that has yearned for something different. I used to want to live in Los Angeles, or even a foreign country when my TF requirements were up, but now I'm thinking I really want to live in Seattle or one of the surrounding cities. City life just seems so amazing, you know? ahh well at least i still have a looong time to think all of this through :D

later hoeess

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Whereas Carol had her sad night last night, I feel like tonight may be my turn. I'm not sure why, but I periodically do the same. I have been in a sort of "Twilight-induced coma" lately, so maybe that is it. haha It's so depressing when I remember that it isn't real. :) Anyways, here is something that I wrote about a week ago, so I thought I'd post it as motivation to remember my promise to reinvent myself...enjoy :)

this is my time
no longer silent like a mime
you've done your damage
almost more than we could manage
but you're not gone
and you're dead wrong
you couldn't see
the strength i have hidden in me

this is my time
i'm more than just a simple rhyme
i'm closing this chapter
and remembering my laughter
your daggers leave no imprint on me
your memories soon will flee
i gave what i gave
but you couldn't make me cave

this is my life
now look who is holding the knife
i'll cut oh so careful
but don't be so fearful
your wounds, they've already healed
closed off and sealed
so don't hide your surprise
when you see my sun rise


I had a very emotional evening. I talked to one of my sorority sisters, ad that brought me to tears. Then, b/c I am a genius, I listened to my "Sad Songs" playlist. I was crying for a good hour, but I am amazing now :) anywhoseys, I am uber excited b/c me & the bff are taking a trip. Its going to be within the next few years, but since we both love the pacific northwest & twilight, we are going to visit Forks, Wa. :) SSOOOO EXCITED!!! I keep asking if we can leave yet, & I think ash is starting to get annoyed. Hopefully we won't just visit Forks, but Port Angeles, Seattle, and the Olympic National Park, which has a rain forest :D :D :D!!!
so we will keep you posted! If you want to be kept in the loop at all times, come check out our other blog at

Thanks ya'll

peace bitches :)

Monday, February 1, 2010


nothing has been happening in my life lately. I have been going to work and school...that is it :( it is too boring!! I need more fun things to do...any suggestions??


I haven't really posted anything lately, and I suppose that is a good thing...nothing to vent about. However, I will mention my insane, annoying, want for a boyfriend I've had lately. I think it comes from being Shannon and David (my roomie and her bf)'s third wheel, in conjunction with the fact that I am the only single girl in our suite. Regardless, I don't like it, and I am trying to find a way to shake this thing off. I'm typically more than accepting of my single status, almost embracing's one less thing I have to worry about and I like to think of myself as a independant, self-sufficient person. Unfortunately, my obsession with Twilight has recently been reignited so that paired with chick flicks is what is fueling this insanity. Ahh! Hopefully I can shake this soon. Or else I really will go crazy due to the fact that I have like no prospects for guys either. haha

later dolls!

Monday, January 25, 2010


I'm very excited on my new venture to start over with some "new beginnings." Now that this relatively short chapter of my life has come to an end, I just think it is time for me to make some changes. Changes in attitude, clothing, and overall outlook on life. One of the main things I want to work on, is how I let other people get to me. I've always been the quiet one, and when someone says anything to me, negative or not, I just usually keep quiet. Well if anything, I've learned from my previous situations that this is not always the best way to handle things. I know how I should be treated, and I am going to expect nothing less than that. As should all of you out there :)

One major thing I am trying to work on right now is shaking this feeling that I want/need a boyfriend. I think it comes from being around my roommate and her boyfriend all the time. They don't overdo it on the pda thank goodness, but still, sometimes I just reaalllyyy want to not be the third wheel. The only problem with this is, I haven't really met any suitable potential bf' all. What is wrong with this picture? haha

later hoes,