Wednesday, February 3, 2010


So definitely some of my favorite songs right now are "Cut" by plumb and "naturally" by selena gomez. haha just thought i'd throw that out there. Logically, I know I shouldnt be getting this excited over my future move to Seattle. I mean it's at LEAST 8-9 years from now, and it could even be more depending on how much money i have saved up at that point. I may even be married by then (ahhhh?!), who knows? It's just something that i would really like to happen with my bff, although i think my parents may be objective to it. I wouldnt want to do this, but I could always pull the age card. By this time i will be somewhere between 26-28 years old by then. (is that not weird to think of yourself that much older??!) I am close to my family, but at the same time, I want to make my own path, and although I love living in North Carolina, there has always been this small part of me that has yearned for something different. I used to want to live in Los Angeles, or even a foreign country when my TF requirements were up, but now I'm thinking I really want to live in Seattle or one of the surrounding cities. City life just seems so amazing, you know? ahh well at least i still have a looong time to think all of this through :D

later hoeess

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