Monday, February 1, 2010


I haven't really posted anything lately, and I suppose that is a good thing...nothing to vent about. However, I will mention my insane, annoying, want for a boyfriend I've had lately. I think it comes from being Shannon and David (my roomie and her bf)'s third wheel, in conjunction with the fact that I am the only single girl in our suite. Regardless, I don't like it, and I am trying to find a way to shake this thing off. I'm typically more than accepting of my single status, almost embracing's one less thing I have to worry about and I like to think of myself as a independant, self-sufficient person. Unfortunately, my obsession with Twilight has recently been reignited so that paired with chick flicks is what is fueling this insanity. Ahh! Hopefully I can shake this soon. Or else I really will go crazy due to the fact that I have like no prospects for guys either. haha

later dolls!

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