Thursday, January 21, 2010

Moving On

I think that this is something a lot of people tend to struggle with: When should I just give it up, and move on? For me personally, it usually takes me awhile to grasp this concept. I mean I have a love/hatred (more recently, hate) relationship with one of my guy friends, and while the constant arguing is beyond tiring/frustrating, I'm not able to just walk away. That particular case still is thoroughly confusing to me because I want to rid myself of that drama, but I can't. ANNOYING. However, the main reason for blogging on this topic is due to my recent triumph in this area. I've recently blogged about my situation with my half-brother. I kind of come off as this hardass that once you piss me off that's it...and for the most part that is kind of true. But I guess since this was just a weird situation, it was a bit harder. This past weekend, I found myself getting really down and depressed over everything and didn't even know how to handle it. However, that all changed when I recieved a facebook message from him. It was two sentences but full of lies and accusations that really should have been directed at himself, not me. Oddly enough, something like that, something that should have made me even more upset, made me get the nerve to get over all of it. If I never hear from him again, I will be happy. The less dramatic my adult life will be.

Thanks for listening dolls!

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