Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My LIfe :)

Ok, so my life isnt as stressful as ash's, but to me, it is imprtant. In short, I am over guys thinking they can play you...I am done. I have gotten hurt a lot in the past year, & I dont really know how much more I can take. So I am on haitus from looking for any type of relationship from a guy (unless you are gay, then no doubt I will love you!). Its ridiculous that they think we are the ones that are hard to figure out. I know I may not say what is on my mind 24/7, but seriously, get over yourself. You are an idiot for letting me go. I am done crying over assholes that dont deserve the time to even say hello, done fucking my schedule up to fit your's, just so you can cancel, I am done feeling like I am not worthy. I am worthy, you are the one who shouldnt have the right to even lick the bottom of my Uggs. Don't think you can tell me you're sorry. That shit doesn't work here anymore...access denied. You are a fuck up and I don't ever want to speak to you again.

Thanks for letting me vent loves :)

Done-zo Carol :D

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